
It is the year in which Apollo XI sets off on his journey to the moon and the student unrest spills over to Prague and Spain, when the bc Club is founded in 1969 at the Technische Hochschule Ilmenau. In the meantime, Mars is being explored more closely, employees demonstrate, Ilmenau is a university town and the days when bc guests had to leave their identity card number at the entrance are also over. The bc club's claim to distance itself from the ubiquitous chart music and to cover a wider range of music - especially niche areas - and to always be open to new things has remained. With numerous performances by national and international bands, the bc has made a name for itself as a live club in Ilmenau; in addition to the club concerts, DJ performances, readings and theme evenings are also an integral part of the programme. The cultural spectrum of the bc also extends to monthly events such as film evenings ("cinema with living room atmosphere") or the wine evening, where the bc turns into a small "bodega" on the first Sunday of every month. The bc club not only has the right atmosphere for celebrating, but also offers a cosy ambience for extended conversations thanks to its many seating arrangements. Completely run and supported by volunteer members - mainly students - everyone at the bc can contribute and implement their ideas and thus help shape student life in Ilmenau.
The bc is a change from everyday student life with music, conversation and drinking culture.

Club meeting every
Monday, 20:00
Opening hours:
21:00 - 01:00
22:00 - 03:00
20:00 - 00:00


Open Doors 21:00

Wie jeden ersten Sonntag im Monat laden wir euch wieder herzlich zu unserem Weinabend ein. Wir verwöhnen euch mit erlesenen Weinen, die eure Geschmacksknospen verzaubern werden. Damit ihr nicht verhungert, bieten wir selbstverständlich auch wieder unsere köstlichen Käseteller an. Lasst den Alltagsstress für einen Abend hinter euch und genießt unsere Weine in bester Gesellschaft im Kerzenschein auf unseren gemütlichen Sofas.

Like every first sunday of the month, we cordially invite you to our wine evening. We spoil you with exquisite wines that will enchant your taste buds. Of course we also offer our delicious cheese plates. Leave the stress of everyday life for an evening behind and enjoy our wines in the best company by candlelight on our comfortable sofas.

Indian Beats
Indian Beats

Indian Beats

Open Doors 22:00

Erlebe eine Nacht voller mitreißender indischer Musik - modern abgemixt, einem Clubabend, der traditionelle Klänge mit modernen Rhythmen verschmelzen lässt und die Tanzfläche zum Beben bringt. Tauche ein in eine faszinierende Fusion aus pulsierenden indischen Melodien und energiegeladenen Beats.

Experience a night full of captivating Indian music with a modern twist at a club event that blends traditional melodies with contemporary rhythms, making the dance floor come alive. Immerse yourself in a fascinating fusion of pulsating Indian melodies and high-energy beats.